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mi 24 gunship

Mi 24 Gunship - The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reference name: Hind) is a large helicopter, attack helicopter and light military transport with room for eight passengers.

It is produced by the Moscow Mil Helicopter Plant and has been in use since 1972 by the Soviet Air Force and its successors, along with 48 other countries.

Mi 24 Gunship

Mi 24 Gunship

In NATO circles, the export versions of the Mi-25 and Mi-35 have letter suffixes as "Hind D" and "Hind E". Soviet pilots called the Mi-24 a "flying tank" (Russian: летающий танк, Romanian: letayushchiy tank), a term historically used with the famous Soviet IL-2 Sturmovik aircraft during World War II. The most common unofficial nicknames were "Galina" (or "Galya"), "Crocodile" (Russian: Крокодил, Romanian: Krokodil) because of the helicopter's camouflage design, and "Drinking Black" (Russian: Stakan, Romanian: Stakan). , due to the flat glass panels around the cockpits of earlier Mi-24 variants.

Amazing Mil Mi 24 Hind Gunship Air To Air Photoshoot

In the early 1960s, Soviet designer Mikhail Mil realized that the evolution toward increased mobility on the battlefield would lead to the creation of flying infantry fighting vehicles that could be used for fire support and infantry transport missions. The first expression of this idea was a mock-up in 1966 in the experimental workshop of the Ministry of Aviation No. 329, where Mil was the chief designer. The design designated V-24 was based on another project, the V-22 helicopter, which never flew. The V-24 had a walking section that could hold eight soldiers seated aft, and a series of small wings mounted in the upper rear of the passenger cabin, capable of holding up to six missiles or rockets and a twin GSh have . - 23 liter gun installed in the landing skid.

Mill presented this plan to the heads of the Soviet armed forces. Although it was supported by several generals, it was opposed by many members of the armed forces who believed that conventional weapons were a better use of resources. Despite the opposition, Mill managed to convince First Deputy Secretary of Defense Marshal Andrei Grechko to convene a panel of experts to discuss the issue. While the committee's opinions were mixed, the project's researchers were ultimately impressed, and a request was made to design a battlefield support helicopter. The development and use of combat helicopters and attack helicopters by the US military during the Vietnam War convinced the Soviets of the advantages of armed ground-based helicopter support and encouraged the development of the Mi-24.

Mil manufacturers prepared two main designs: a single-engine 7-ton design and a twin-engine 10.5-ton design, both powered by a 1,700 hp Izotov TV3-177A turboprop. Later, three complete mock-ups and five cabin mock-ups were created, which allows for accurate adjustment of the positions of the operator and the shooting station.

The Kamov Design Bureau presented the military version of the Ka-25 ASW helicopter as a cost-effective option. This was considered but later rejected in favor of Mill's new twin design. Some changes were made at the insistence of the military, including the replacement of the 23 mm gun with a heavy machine gun mounted in a Chinese turret and the use of the 9K114 Shturm (AT-6 Spiral) anti-tank missile.

Mi 24, Hind, Chopper, Heli, Helicopter

On May 6, 1968, an order was issued to allow the development of a twin engine design. Work with Mill continued until his death in 1970. Detailed design work began in August 1968 under the code Yellow 24. The full design was revised and approved in February 1969. Flight testing of the prototype began on September 15. , in 1969 with a helicopter and four days later the first free flight took place. A second prototype was built, after which a test group of helicopters t.

Design acceptance testing began in June 1970 and lasted 18 months. The changes made to the design were related to structural strength, fatigue issues and vibration levels. Also, a 12-degree rudder was introduced on the wings to counteract the aircraft's tdcy on the Dutch wheel at speeds in excess of 200 km/h (124 mph), and the Falanga missile pods were moved from the fuselage to the wingtips. The tail rotor went from the right to the left side of the tail and the direction of rotation was reversed. The tail rotor was now rotated laterally towards the front of the aircraft, while lowering the rotor, which increased its performance. A number of other design changes were made until the production version of the Mi-24A (model 245) entered production in 1970, gained its first operational capability in 1971, and was officially adopted into the state arsenal in 1972.

In 1972, after the completion of the Mi-24, the development of a unique transportable attack helicopter began. The new design had a lower payload capacity (three instead of eight) and was called the Mi-28 and the Ka-50 attack helicopter, which was smaller and more maneuverable and did not have a large cockpit for carrying troops. In October 2007, the Russian Air Force announced that it would replace the Mi-24 fleet with the Mi-28N and Ka-52 by 2015.

Mi 24 Gunship

However, after the successful operation of this type in Syria, it was decided to keep it in service and upgrade it by upgrading electronics, sights, weapons and night vision goggles.

Mil Mi 24 Large Gunship And Attack Helicopter At The Museum 6013062 Stock Photo At Vecteezy

The airframe was derived from the Mil Mi-8 (NATO reference name "Hip"), with two overhead-mounted engines driving a five-bladed center rotor in the middle and a three-bladed 17.3m tail rotor. The engine configuration gave the aircraft a dual air intake feature. Earlier versions have a greenhouse corner cabin. Model D and later have a distinctive tandem cab with a "dual bubble" canopy. Other airframe components are taken from the Mi-14 "Haze". Two mid-mounted base fins provide the gun's hard points, each offering three stops in addition to elevation. Loading mix is ​​mission depdt. Mi-24s can be tasked with close air support, anti-tank operations or air combat.

Great attention was paid to the rapid construction of the Mi-24. To reduce drag, the airframe was streamlined and equipped with tricycle landing gear. At high speed, the wings provide significant lift (up to a quarter lift). The main rotor was enlarged to the right side of the fuselage by 2.5° to compensate for the tdcy translation of the helicopter. The landing gear was also tilted to the left so that the rotor was horizontal when on the ground, causing the rest of the airframe to tilt to the left. The tail was also asymmetrical to give the speed some lateral force, thus freeing the tail rotor.

A modified Mi-24B, called the A-10, was used in several world speed and climb record attempts. The helicopter was modified to reduce weight as much as possible - a measure was to separate the wings.

The previous official speed record was set at 332.65 km/h (206.7 mph) on August 13, 1975 over 1,000 km of closed course. Galina Rastorgueva and Lyudmila Polyanskaya set many special women's records.

Mi 24s Still Serving In Eastern Europe

On September 21, 1978, the A-10 set an absolute helicopter speed of 368.4 km/h (228.9 mph) over a distance of 15/25 km. The record stood until 1986 when it was broken by the official, modified Westland Lynx British record holder.

The Mi-24 has no direct NATO counterpart as an armored weapon and troop carrier. While UH-1 ("Huey") helicopters were used by the US in the Vietnam War to transport troops or as gunships, they could not do both at the same time. Converting the UH-1 to a gunship meant cutting out the wheel passenger area to accommodate extra fuel and supplies, and eliminating troop-carrying capability. The Mi-24 was designed to do both and was heavily used by airborne units of the Soviet Army during the Soviet-Afghan War of 1980-89. The closest western equivalent was the American Sikorsky S-67 Blackhawk, which used many of the same design principles and was also built as a high-speed, agile attack helicopter with limited troop-carrying capability using many of the existing Sikorsky S components. -61. However, the S-67 was never accepted for service.

Other Western equivalents are the Romanian military's IAR 330, an armed version of the Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma, and the MH-60 Direct Action Petrator, an armed special-purpose variant of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk.

Mi 24 Gunship

The first combat use of the Mi-24 was with Ethiopian forces in the Ogad War against Somalia. These helicopters were part of a massive transfer of military equipment from the Soviet Union, which was transferred to the Soviet side after January 1, 1977. The helicopters played a role in the combined air and ground offensive that allowed Ethiopia to retake Ogad in early 1978.

Red Dawn: Why I Flew A Soviet Mi 24 'hind' Gunship Helicopter Over Texas

Mi-24 aircraft were used for the first time in October 1980 in the battle of Ndjama, where they helped the people's armed forces to occupy the capital.

In March 1987, the Armed Forces of the North, supported by the US and France, occupied a Libyan air base at Wadi Doum in northern Chad. Three Mi-25 aircraft were also among the aircraft captured during this raid. These were handed over to France, which in turn

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