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mi-24 shot down

Mi-24 Shot Down - File photo of a Russian NATO Mi-24 fighter jet, reported as "India" at the MAKS Air Show 2019. (Photo: Tom Demerly/)

Mi-24 armed helicopter of the Russian army (NATO's reported name "Hind") was shot down by a portable surface-to-air missile near the border of Azerbaijan on Monday, November 9, 2020. Initial reports indicate that the incident was a serious or Other reports said the plane was escorting a convoy of ground vehicles.

Mi-24 Shot Down

Mi-24 Shot Down

A report published shortly after the incident by media outlet stated that "Azerbaijan admitted to shooting it accidentally." “Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry issued a statement acknowledging the downing of the helicopter. stating that it was an accident"

The War Zone

Reports of friendly fire incidents appear to be convincing. In a statement, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister said "Azerbaijan apologizes to the Russian side for this tragic incident."

#UPDATE: Video shows the moment a Russian warship Mil Mi-24 was shot down over Armenia. — Status-6 (@Archer83Able) November 9, 2020

The plane crash occurred on the border of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It is about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the Nagorno-Karabakh border. "In the gorge" near the village of Yarasakh.

File photo of a Russian NATO Mi-24 fighter jet, reported as "India" at the MAKS Air Show 2019. (Photo: Tom Demerly/)

Mil Mi 14

The terrain described in the previous report suggests an area where the use of small man-portable air defense systems would be highly effective against rotary-wing aircraft. even heavily armed aircraft such as the Mi-24 Hind armed ship.

Tom Demerly is a nonfiction writer, journalist, photographer and editor whose articles are published worldwide on, Outside magazine, Business Insider, We Are the Mighty, The Dearborn Press and Guide, National Interest, Government of Russia, Sputnik, and many other publications. Demerly studied journalism at Henry Ford College in Dearborn. State of Michigan Tom Demerly served in the intelligence gathering unit as a member of the US Army. and the Michigan National Guard His military experience includes graduating with honors from the U.S. Army Infantry School, Benning, Georgia (Cycle C-6-1), and as a scout observer in the reconnaissance unit, Company “F,” 425th INF (Ranger. /Airborne), Long Range Surveillance Unit (LRSU). Demerly is an experienced parachutist with advanced SCUBA certification, has climbed the highest mountains on three continents and visited all seven continents and has flown a variety of light aircraft.

According to a report written by Reuters, two Russian bombers entered Japanese airspace near the island of Kyushu. In the south of the country on Thursday, August 22, two Tu-95 took no more than 2 minutes […]

Mi-24 Shot Down

New video shows a close-up between a NATO F-16 and a Su-27 Flanker flying a Russian Defense Minister's plane over the Baltic Sea.

Ukraine Is Using Mi 24 'flying Tank' Helicopters To Fight Russia

Exciting moments over the Baltic Sea as Polish F-16s chasing Russian VIPs trigger a retaliation from escorting Su-27 Flanker fighters. NATO F-16 […]

According to various media sources, talks between Russia and Serbia are ongoing. Serbia wants to upgrade its defense capabilities by purchasing S-300 missile systems along with MiG-29 fighters […]

Email us at sales@ if you'd like to support this site by purchasing the original patch. which is only available through this website! On November 9, 2020, a Russian Mil Mi-24 helicopter (NATO reporting name "Hind") was shot down by Azerbaijani forces during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War. It fell near Jerasach in Urmia. A few kilometers from the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. as a result of ground fire from man-portable air defense systems.

Soon, the Azerbaijani authorities issued a statement apologizing. It said the shooting was an accident and offered compensation.

First Russian Su 35s Flanker E Confirmed Destroyed In Ukraine

The shooting took place during the war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. which is a disputed area which was originally controlled by the autonomous and unknown Republic of Artsakh. which was supported by the Allied Army But it's an important part of Azerbaijan.

On 8 November 1520, Azerbaijani forces captured Shusha. After four days of fighting for this city

The shooting took place on 9 November 2020 near Jerazakh in Armenia. A few kilometers from the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. and about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the Nagorno-Karabakh border as a result of ground fire from the Manpad.

Mi-24 Shot Down

Shortly thereafter Azerbaijan accepted responsibility for the attack. Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry said the shooting was an accident. He expressed his apology to Russia and was ready to pay compensation.

Ukraine Releases Video Showing Mi 24 Shooting Down Russian Orlan 10 Uav

According to Azerbaijan data Russian helicopter flies in the dark at low altitude and outside the detection zone of Azerbaijan's air defense radar. The helicopter flew close to the Azerbaijani army border during the conflict. And Russian helicopters have never been in such an area before.

On January 4, 2021, Army investigators announced that they were treating the incident as a "serial incident". 'Careless homicide' instead of the previous 'negligent death'.

This happened on the day the ceasefire agreement was signed. According to Anton Troianovski and Carlotta Gall of The New York Times, he was accused of leading Russia to intervene in the war. a) Who played a part in signing the ceasefire agreement is unclear.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an ultimatum to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. According to Troianovski and Gall, in this ultimatum, Russia stated that it would intervene if Azerbaijan did not stop its actions after taking control of Shusha. According to Azerbaijani news sources that same night The unidentified missile targeted the OP area in Khyrdalan near Baku, leaving no casualties.

Wreckage From Russian Mi 28 Helicopter Found Outside Kyiv

In addition, on the same day Another video has appeared on social media. It shows Armenian forces firing Russian-made Iskander missiles at Azerbaijan.

Armenia's former head of military control of the Ministry of Defense Movses Hakobyan. Before resigning on November 19, 2020, it confirmed that Armenia was using Iskander missiles in Azerbaijan. Although he did not say where the missile hit.

Shortly after the shooting incident Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov wrote a letter of condolence to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Mi-24 Shot Down

In addition, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that they positively accepted Azerbaijan's responsibility for the incident.

Russian Hind Attack Helicopter Pulled From Kyiv Waters

On November 9, the CSTO, of which Russia is a member, issued a statement expressing concern about the cessation of hostilities.

On November 18, Arm Sarkissin, President of the Army On December 12, the Armenian government unveiled a temporary memorial plaque in Yersakh commemorating the Russian pilot killed in the shooting. And prayers were held in the area. Homepage Cold War-era Iranian F-4s used anti-tank guided missiles.

The fake story of an Iraqi Mi-24 attack helicopter that shot down an Iranian F-4 using an anti-tank guided missile.

'By Popular Demand': A Story About 'Iraq's Mi-24 Shoots down an Iranian F-4' - How about an AT-4 or AT-6 Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)?

Mi 24 Hind? Ident Help

On October 27, 1982, the government-controlled Iraqi magazine 'Baghdad Observer' in Baghdad and distributed to Western journalists published a report titled "The Day of the Helicopter Gunship".

There was a brief description of the air battle that was supposed to take place a few days earlier. And the Mi-24 attack helicopter was supposed to shoot down the Iranian F-4 Phantom. 'North of the Ain-Khush area' and Phantom were destroyed by the new long-range 'AT-6 spiral ATGM'. Helicopters and the Soviet Union are brought to Iraq to test the AT-6 missile in air-to-air mode.

This claim has been widely accepted and published in various publications. of the West during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. This claim is made even today in Eastern European media circles. The range of some Russian writers proclaimed that "This has been confirmed by Western intelligence sources."

Mi-24 Shot Down

In fact, this has never been the case before. In fact, the claim has never been verified. Most of what happened was for the Baghdad Observer article republished by the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service (FBIS) in Washington on page E2 of Communications No. 885, FBIS-MEA-82-209 October 28, 1982, though Originally founded by the CIA, the FBI is not an 'American Secret Service' but a commercial organization that collects reports from all foreign media sources and broadcasters. and distribute it to the west

The Impressive Video Of The Shooting Down Of A Russian Mi 24 Attack Helicopter In Ukraine

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Many foreign customers, including Iraq, received exported versions of the Mi-25: very old 9M17 Fleyta (ASCC/NATO codename 'AT-2 Swatter') ATGMs and 57mm S-. 5K. Unexpected rocket (fired from UB-16-57 or UB-32-57 pods) Iraq never actually succeeded.

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